This week I finally completed my book trailer! We had to choose a trade book based on our unit plan's topic and create a trailer for it. I've never had to do something like this before, so it may not be the most well-done trailer, but I think I did good for a first time! I really like the idea of this project and I think that students would love to be able to create a book trailer. It's fun and different than what they're used to doing in school. I think that it's a great way to get students to work together collaboratively. We did ours individually, but I created a mini-lesson based off of the idea of a book trailer where I require the students to work in groups in order to create book trailers. Personally, I chose Animoto to create my trailer, but you could give students the option to use other tools such as Powtoon, Voicethread, or even film a trailer where they have the opportunity to act in it! There are so many possibilities which is one reason why I really like this project!
Here is the link to my trailer if you would like to watch it!
My book was actually kind of a mystery because you follow the journey of this one stone and learn all about how it formed, but they don't tell you which stone it is until the end of the book. I would love to use this book in my future classroom. It even has a sample experiment and an online activity in the back of the book that I think would be great to look at with the students after reading the book. This would be an ideal book to make a trailer for and we could even do it as a whole class after we read the story. There are so many ways to incorporate trade books and book trailers into the classroom and I can't wait to do so!
This book sounds so interesting! It would be a great way to engage students in the rock cycle, especially because most rock books, in my experience, are purely informational. It was great to hear your enthusiasm about it in class on Thursday! Thanks for sharing :)